Friday, May 20, 2011

Number One

RUN A 5K...

For my first goal on the bucket list, I want to run a 5K. As of right now on May the 21st of 2011, I'm not even sure I can run more than a lap around a track without having to stop for air. It'll be a big task for sure, especially for the first.

My plan of attack is simple. Start running. Well, for me it will be start hog jogging. I can hog jog. Not sure I can run just yet.

My hair stylist Eileen told me about this program called Couch-to-5k from Cool Running. It's laid out day by day how you can improve your running ability in just nine weeks. I figured, since summer is sixteen weeks long I can probably crank out a 5k by then, right?

For the first week, you alternate 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of walking (which is less than what I had to do in gym class in high school). By the end of it, they have you running 30 minutes without breaks (I don't think I've ran more than 3 minutes without stopping in my life).

It will definitely be hard work, but I think it'll be worth it in the end. I don't want to die not having experienced the freedom and joy that comes with running. I've gotten a taste for it a few times and it felt great, now I want to harness that feeling and learn how to improve my body.

DEADLINE:: August 2014