Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Number Two

Go to a Silent Retreat...

I find myself often thinking how much more wonderful life would be if I could just shut up every once in a while. I have a lot to say all the time, just non stop jabber. I could go on forever. I'm going on forever now.

Besides, wouldn't it be so rewarding to slip away for a quiet weekend around beautiful surroundings? Spending time with strangers and not needing to say a word? I swear I spend half of my time trying to find something to say. It would be sublime to spend my time thinking about gratitude and joy instead of my next comeback or funny quip.

To get rest away from other people's expectations and my own expectations sounds like a relief, even if it's for two days. To be kind without using my voice, to speak with my hands and not my lips, to have a conversation with my eyes and not my mouth...that sounds like a thrilling adventure.

DEADLINE:: Before I "kick the bucket"