Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Accomplished: Ride a Bike


This one was a biggie.

I loved riding my skateboards and scooters and I especially loved riding my bike-my bike that had training wheels. I was stubborn, and afraid of falling, and embarrassed. When I got embarrassed when I was little I'd hold my breath until I passed out. Seriously. That's how big of a deal not being embarrassed was to me (is to me now still in some ways).

My gal pal Leeann took me out on her mountain bike. We found a grassy bumpy spot to learn on for two reasons-
1) It's really hard to learn on, so if you can learn on bumpy grass you can ride anywhere.
2) If you fall it's softer than concrete.

I didn't fall once, I definitely stumbled but I had enough memory of trying to learn when I was little that going straight was easy. Turning was new and difficult. I still need practice on turning, especially turning right.

Anyways, it felt so great. There's something to say about moving yourself along. It felt good...on a physical level it was a workout, on an emotional level it was an accomplishment, and in a weird way it was freeing. My spirit felt happy and free. That's a feeling I'll chase.

I definitely need more practice, I definitely need to buy a helmet, but the important thing here is that I did it and that I also didn't fall on my face. Not once. Not lying.


ACCOMPLISHED: August 19, 2013
Thanks Leeann :)