Friday, August 19, 2011

Accomplished: Be A Bridesmaid In A Wedding


What girl doesn't want to be a bridesmaid in a wedding? All the shoes and jewelry and's one of the most fun things a girl can be a part of! Well, I finally was a bridesmaid. It was last summer on July 24th. My brother Isaac married Elisa-Beth (Bethe). Isaac and Bethe asked me to be a part of their wedding on the Thanksgiving before, and of course I'd say yes!

The color theme of the shin-dig was lemon lime (see the flowers?) and it was held in a friend's backyard. Backyard isn't the right word. It was like an enchanted garden that took up two acres. My cousin Austonn is who you see in the picture walking me down the aisle. I think those shoes are pretty but I don't see myself wearing them again for a very very long time.

It was wonderful to be a part of the wedding, especially between two people that I love and I'm closer to than anybody else. Despite the heat of the day and my hair poofing out, the wedding was flawless and it couldn't have been any better.

Isaac and Bethe are doing wonderfully, they just had their one year anniversary about a month ago at the beach.

ACCOMPLISHED: July 24th, 2010

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